• Before 2004, NYMEX crude oil futures never traded above $41.15. In 2008 it peaked at all-time highs of $147.27 and was over $100 per barrel in June 2014 before massive supplies of shale oil in North America caused the price to move lower.
  • Higher prices have caused new production to come to market as it creates the environment for more expensive oil’s extraction from the crust of the earth.
  • In late October 2016, the price of oil was trading around the $50 per barrel, above its pre-2004 historical price.

Mr. Schuckers’ involvement in the oil and gas industry began with his father who was active in oil and gas exploration throughout Louisiana in the 1970’s and early 1980’s. Since 2004, Mr. Schuckers has consulted on oil and gas wells drilled throughout Oklahoma, Texas and South Louisiana.

In 2005, he participated in mineral right leasing and operating in Oklahoma, and all through the Fayetteville Shale Arkansas, while drilling in partnership with Chesapeake Energy Corporation. Mr. Schuckers serves on the board of directors for the North Texas Youth Football League and serves as Pastor of Cooke County Cowboy Church in Gainesville, Texas. Mr. Schuckers is an ordained minister and a youth coach for the North Texas Youth Football Association.
